Notice on the Transfer of Author’s Copyright to The Japan Society of Tropical Ecology
Effective August 25, 2008.
Dr. Isamu Yamada, President of the Japan Society of Tropical Ecology.
The Japan Society of Tropical Ecology publishes “TROPICS” and “Tropical Ecology Letters” regularly. Although we have not established procedures on copyright transfer from authors to the Society, we have been conventionally managing the manuscripts that have come under the jurisdiction of the Society. The society has published “Tropical Ecology Letters” on its website since 2004 and part of “TROPICS” since 2007, after the agreement in the General Assembly of the Society for publishing manuscripts as an electric journal.
The Society, however, recognizes that our management of copyrights has been legally inadequate, and we will add a statement on copyright transfer (including the rights of reproduction and public transmission) to the Authors’ Guidelines for publications of the Society.
All articles that have been published prior to this statement are to be treated as follows:
We request that the copyrights (including rights of reproduction and of public transmission) in all articles that have been published by the Society be transferred to the Society by the authors. In particular, we request approval of the following three items:
1. The Japan Society of Tropical Ecology possesses the right of reproduction and public transmission in relation to whole articles or any part of them.
2. The Japan Society of Tropical Ecology possesses the right to authorize third parties to exploit the rights in Item 1.
3. Any payments received in relation to the preceding authorization will be transferred to the account of the Society.
These statements are authorized by this notice and the same notice on the Society’s website. The Society will not make a request for copyright transfer from each author.
If author(s) do not accept the statement(s) or are concerned, they areencouraged to contact the General Office of the Society by mail (The GeneralOffice of JASTE, Department of Southeast Asian Area Studies, Graduate Schoolof Asian and African Studies, Kyoto University, 46 Shimoadachi-cho, Sakyo-ku,Kyoto 606-8501, Japan) or e-mail (jasteadm@ by December31, 2008. The Society will discuss the copyright situation with author(s)individually. This general statement is expected to be seen by all interestedauthors; however, any claim after the deadline from authors who have nothad a chance to review this statement will be handled on a case-by-casebasis by the Society. If no claim is received by the Society, the Society will deem this statement accepted by the author(s).