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Activities of JASTE

Activities of JASTE

Annual congress We hold an annual congress. Study sessions and an open symposium are made. A general assembly is also held during the congress period.

Publication We publish the journal, TROPICS, four times a year. It publishes original research papers, short communications, critical reviews and field notes. It includes special issues of a symposium in an annual congress. All members of the society can contribute to TROPICS.

We publish the newsletter, Tropical Ecology Letters, four times a year. It publishes the introductions of research and project, book reviews, information on vacant positions, announcements from general office, etc.

Grants for workshops We aid workshops of tropical ecology offered from the members of the society. A maximum of two workshops a year are aided.

Kira Prize The society prize, in commemoration that Prof. Dr. Tatsuo Kira, the first president of the Japan Society of Tropical Ecology, was awarded a International Cosmos Prize from EXPO'90 Foundation. Now an encouragement prize and a special prize are established. The former is given to a maximum of two young ecologists a year, who are chosen among the contributors to the TROPICS, etc. The latter is given to a person or an organization which has made a great contribution to the study of tropical ecology.




事務局通信 JASTE34のお知らせ ボルネオ島低地熱帯雨林における維管束着生植物の多様性と宿主木利用様式 駒田夏生 会長再任にあたって 神崎 護 第21回男女共同参画学協会連絡会シンポジウム」参加報告 四方 篝

日本熱帯生態学会研究助成/Application Guidelines for Research Grants of the Japan Society of Tropical Ecology

正規雇用契約を持たないために研究財源の確保に困難を抱えている会員の研究活動を助成 するとともに、熱帯生態学研究を活性化させることを目的として、研究助成を行います。 募集期間:2024 年 1 月 5 日(金)~2 月 29 日(木) 応募方法:所定の用紙(様式1)に必要事項を記入の上、電子メール( で応募する。 英語での応募も可能

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