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第25回吉良賞受賞候補者推薦のお願い/ Call for submissions: the 25th Kira Award 2021





(1) 受賞候補者氏名、所属機関、及び略歴(奨励賞の場合は論文題目を加える)

(2) 関係資料2部(印刷物の原本または抜刷)

(3) 推薦(自薦)理由



お問合せ: 日本熱帯生態学会事務局 幹事長:保坂 哲朗 Hosaka, Tetsuro 広島大学大学院先進理工系科学研究科 理工学融合プログラム 〒739-8529 広島県東広島市鏡山1-5-1(416号室) Email: Tel & Fax: 082-424-6929

Call for submissions: the 25th Kira Award 2021 We are pleased to announce that we are now accepting nominations for the Kira Award. The call for nominations for or application to the Kira Award is now open until February 28th, 2021. Kira Award was established to commemorate the first JASTE president Dr. Tatsuo Kira, who was awarded the International Cosmos Prize in 1995. Kira Awards will be presented in the following categories: - Young Researcher Award to recognize a young researcher for his/her outstanding research published in our journal (max. 2 persons per year) - Distinguished Achievement and Contribution Award to distinguish an individual or a group who has made significant contribution to the field of tropical research (max. 1 person or 1 group per year) The JASTE Kira Award Selection Committee will decide on the award recipients from the pool of candidates, nominated by JASTE members. Self-nomination is permitted. Please send all the nomination materials to the JASTE Secretariat by the end of February, 2021. In nomination, following materials must be forwarded by mail or in electronic form to the JASTE Secretariat (contact information below). 1) Name, position and the curriculum vitae of the nominee. (with Title of the paper for nomination for Outstanding Young Researcher Award) 2) Two copies of nomination material (Original journal publication or offprint of the article) 3) A letter of nomination/self-nomination introducing the candidate and providing a supporting rationale for the nomination

Contact: Tetsuro Hosaka General Secretariat of The Japan Society of Tropical Ecology (JASTE) Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering Hiroshima University1-5-1, Kagamiyama, Higashihiroshima, Japan, 739-8529 Email: Tel & Fax: 082-424-6929




事務局通信 JASTE35 のお知らせ JASTE34公開シンポジウム報告 佐々木綾子 JASTE34託児補助・サテライト企画報告 四方 篝 JASTE34評価とダイバーシティに関するアンケート結果報告 四方 篝・神崎 護


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